My first challenge Friday morning was waking up WAAAAY BEFORE the crack of dawn at 2 am. (It was a tid bit nippy) Challenge numero dos was finding a place to park at the airport considering they had snow drifts over a foot tall around the parking places. Challenge number three was that the plane had to be deiced before we could take off. My fourth challenge was finding my way around the Salt Lake Airport...it was a bit of a maze. Shiloh & CO. picked me up and took me to Stradley's. The Stradley's had their own traditions of things to do on New Years, and I just sat and enjoyed the fun.
Sandra Stradley is to the left, and she and her friends got up at 6:30 am to power walk 4 miles around the mall!!! I thought it was a good idea to join, but only ended up walking a mile...except mine was more of a walk-and-gaulk.