Monday, February 22, 2010

Enough already

We have 9 inches of snow! Look at how nice Jacob did on my walks.

I was up early and cleaned the walks and the car. It was still snowing so I cleaned them again. Since church was cancelled, Jacob came over and he cleaned the walks a third time. Then he came again on Monday morning and said, "It doesn't even look like I shoveled yesterday. So he did it again and even took out the embankment left by the road grader. He doesn't just give me a single blade path. He cleans to the neighbor's and the drive way too! I love this young man. Whatever would I do without him.

Verity told me how to make chocolate mice for Valentines Day. So, Karen (my beloved and talented granddaughter) came over and helped me make 21 of them for our "Single Awareness Dinner." And they were a hit!
The first storms of winter produced beauty that I appreciated. Reminded me of winter in Utah.